pp108 : Creating a Database Configuration

Creating a Database Configuration

This topic describes the procedure to create a new database configuration.

Before you begin this task: You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to create a database configuration.

You can create a new database configuration to store the database details

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.
  2. Click on the toolbar of System Resource Manager window.

    Alternatively, you can create a database configuration during the following tasks:

    • Application Package Deployment - In the Provide Required Inputs page, select New Database Configuration option from Select Database Configuration drop-down list. You need to have the role of a systemAdmin to create a database configuration while installing an application.
    • Service Group Creation - In the Provide Details for <Connector> page of the New Service Group Wizard, select New Database Configuration option from Select Database Configuration drop-down list. You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to create a database configuration while creating a service group.
    The Manage Database Configurations page appears.
  3. Click . A new row is appended to the table and a section to provide database configuration details is displayed in the bottom pane.
  4. Type the name of the database configuration in the Name field.
  5. Describe the database configuration in the Description field. This is optional.
  6. Perform one of the following:
    • If you want to use JDBC driver to connect a Service Container to a database:
      1. Select JDBC option.
      2. Enter details in the fields.
    • If you want to use OLEDB driver to connect a Service Container to a database:
      1. Select OLEDB option.
      2. Enter details in the fields.


        • Select Create New Database option to create a database. Provide appropriate details in the DBA Name and DBA password fields.
        • You can create a tablespace, if you select Oracle as your JDBC driver or OLEDB Database Vendor.
  7. Click (Test Connectivity option) to make sure Process Platform is able to connect to the database with the given parameters.
  8. Click .
    A new database configuration is created and the name, description and, organization (under which the database configuration is being created) are displayed in the new row.
    Note: For a new user in Oracle, only Create permissions are granted to the user; for other permissions, you must connect to the Oracle server using the client and select the permissions explicitly.

Related tasks

Modifying a Database Configuration
Deleting a Database Configuration
Viewing Database Configuration Usage Report
Creating a Tablespace

Related reference

JDBC Details Interface
OLEDB Details Interface